Group 3: Learning and Skills for Life, Work, and Sustainable Development


Using the information and data provided discuss the following questions.

Discuss the specific guiding questions, in order to facilitate discussions on the overarching questions. Key to the discussion is the following

Focus questions

  1. Is the acquisition of foundational literacy and numeracy skills an issue in Samoa?

  2. Why and what may be the contributing factors to low literacy and numeracy achievement?

  3. How is it being addressed at the school and national level?

  4. What other measures or interventions should be put in place to encourage literacy and numeracy in the homes and to engage the community?

  5. Is there a need to strengthen socio-emotional, civic, and interpersonal capabilities through the curriculum to prepare learners for life? What may these areas be?

  6. How is the curriculum “building on greening” of education to address climate change and sustainable development?

  7. What are the other skills that should be part of learning programs, and how can they be delivered in schools?

Overarching question

  1. What are the other skills that should be part of learning programs, and how can they be delivered in schools?

  2. What other transformative approaches can we employ in order to maximize students learning in order to develop critical thinking skills to solve complex situations and future challenges?
    (Some examples)
    • project-based learning,
    • problem-posing,
    • inquiry-based learning,
    • student laboratories,
    • technical and vocational workshops,
    • artistic and creative collaborations
    • Internship opportunities (practical experiences with real-life jobs)
    • Others?